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19. the 2020 kinglecon 3 holiday hack challenge
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29. microcorruption - tutorial
30. building the bsidescpt17 rf challenge
31. objection - runtime mobile exploration
32. sending am-ook using metasploit and rfstransceiver
33. ooktools: on-off keying tools for your sdr
34. reverse engineering static key remotes with gnuradio and rfcat
35. awesome nmap grep
36. rooting darknet
37. kerberos, kerberoast and golden tickets
38. license
39. a totally unnecessary composer shell
40. canarytokens - the maybe not so obvious
41. flick II vuln vm with a mobile twist
42. jenkins to meterpreter toying with powersploit
43. playing exploit-exercises - nebula
44. beating sokar the vulnhub turns 0b10 challenge
45. a trivial iOS jailbreak detection bypass
46. no more jailbreak detection an adventure into Android app reversing and smali patching
47. hoof to root solving pegasus 1
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49. trying harder oscp and me
50. solving kvasir netcat edition
51. knock-knock who’s there? solving knock knock
52. another troll tamed solving troll 2
53. From Persistence
54. Kali Linux Oracle Support
55. taming the troll
56. Beating Xerxes2
57. flick can you find the flag?
58. Hell would just not freeze over!
59. Climbing the SkyTower
60. dnsfilexfer - yet another take on file transfer via DNS
61. slash root slash flag dot txt Solving the Relativity Vulnerable VM
62. Zeus My Adventure with a Infamous Bot
63. KVM Redirecting CentOS Kernel and tty output to a virtual serial console
64. URL Expansion - I'm paranoid like that
65. 'stuff' to Gource.
66. dtob.py: Digest to Basic authentication; A simple example of a authentication 'downgrade' attack
67. Quick Win: Quickly Execute Last Shell Command
68. Jabber to Email using SleekXMPP
69. How To: Extremely simple python Jabber Broadcast Bot
70. Hello World! Oh and here's some code!
71. About Me
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