

1. Prompt-Tuning: 深度解读一种新的微调范式
2. 面向开发者的 ChatGPT 提示工程
3. IAIFI Summer School & Workshop
4. Git: submodule 子模块简明教程
5. GitHub 不再支持密码验证,如何在 macOS 上实现 Token 登陆配置
6. 解决 GitHub 的 host 域名被限制的问题
7. [Paper Summary] Complete Parameter Inference for GW150914 Using Deep Learning
8. Particle Swarm Optimization From Scratch Using Python
9. Bayes Inference, Bayes Factor, Model Selection
10. 谱分析 (spectral analysis) 的 SciPy 代码解析
11. Python 中负数取余问题
12. 恒 Q 变换 (Constant-Q transform)
13. Unit 3: Structure & Paragraphs(学术写作)
14. Python 装饰器之 Property: Setter 和 Getter
15. Unit 2: Verbs(学术写作)
16. Unit 1: Introduction; principles of effective writing(学术写作)
17. S 变换 (Stockwel transform)
18. Interactive GW simulation in JavaScript for NSs or BBHs
19. Linux/Unix 中 Screen 命令详解
20. 贝叶斯深度学习前沿进展 (朱军教授)
21. 深度学习: 从理论到算法 (王力威教授)
22. 累积引力波事件率图的 python 实现
23. Markdown Elements for Hugo/Wowchemy
24. 傅里叶变换算法及其 python 实现
25. Docker 简易入门教程
26. Ray Tutorial
27. 关于感受野 (Receptive field) 你该知道的事
28. Centos7/CUDA-9.2/cuDNN-7.3/MXNet-cu92/Floydhub 深度学习环境配置手册
29. CS231n课程资料:循环神经网络惊人的有效性
30. CS231n课程讲义翻译:神经网络3
31. CS231n课程讲义翻译:神经网络2
32. CS231n课程讲义翻译:神经网络1
33. CS231n课程讲义翻译:卷积神经网络
34. CS231n课程讲义翻译:反向传播
35. CS231n课程讲义翻译:最优化
36. CS231n课程讲义翻译:线性分类
37. CS231n课程讲义翻译:图像分类
38. Guest Lecture. Adversarial Examples and Adversarial Training
39. Guest Lecture. Efficient Methods and Hardware for Deep Learning
40. Lecture 14. Deep Reinforcement Learning
41. Lecture 13. Visualizing and Understanding
42. Lecture 12. Generative Models
43. Lecture 11. Detection and Segmentation
44. Lecture 10. Recurrent Neural Networks
45. Lecture 9. CNN Architectures
46. Lecture 8. Deep Learning Hardware and Software
47. Lecture 7. Training Neural Networks, part 2
48. Lecture 6. Training Neural Networks, part I
49. Lecture 5. Convolutional Neural Networks
50. Lecture 4. Introduction to Neural Networks
51. Lecture 3. Loss Functions and Optimization
52. Lecture 2. Image Classification & K-nearest neighbor
53. Lecture 1. Computer vision overview & Historical context
54. S_Dbw 聚类评估指标(代码全解析)
55. 数据科学入门之我谈 (2018)
56. $LaTeX$ 常用的数学符号收集与字体整理
57. 一段关于神经网络的故事
58. 为啥一定用残差图检查你的回归分析?
59. https://realpython.com/p
60. https://blog.csdn.net/mi
61. The Multivariate normal
62. ICA
63. https://docs.scipy.org/d
64. https://pythonhosted.org
65. A list of awesome resour
66. https://baijiahao.baidu.
67. ChatGPT ChatGPT 中文指南: ht
68. 浅析 Hinton 最近提出的 Capsule
69. https://www.cnblogs.com/
70. singularity容器使用心得 https:
71. https://makeabilitylab.g
72. http://rlchina.org/ ‘Uns
73. A guide for using the Wa
74. http://www.phys.ufl.edu/
75. https://uvadlc-notebooks
76. https://arxiv.org/pdf/19
77. Mahalanobis Distance – U
78. 1906.02691
79. 2022.0112 GW next - Hema
80. Overview and Installatio
81. All Statistical tests: h
82. Using machine learning t
83. ''' Buffer funct
84. https://wiseodd.github.i
85. Python里精确地四舍五入,以及你为什么需要少
86. PESummary is a python pa
87. https://realpython.com/p
88. Testing the no-hair theo
89. For linux https://blog.c
90. For a complete list of a
91. https://baike.baidu.com/
92. https://textbooks.math.g
93. Kalman filtering 深度解读:卡尔
94. How about that Bayes: Ba
95. 改写为 python3,并且写成一个新的全新的
96. Hierarchical Bayesian mo
97. Python numpy.hanning() 使
98. A Conceptual Introductio
99. ICA
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